Window Cleaner
Whip up a batch of natural window cleaner that won’t aggravate allergies or asthma the way many store-bought formulations will. A bottleful will only run you about 40 cents!
Make It Green!
¼ cup vinegar
½ teaspoon natural liquid soap (optional; we like Ecover dishwashing liquid or Dr. Bronner’s)
2 cups water
Put all ingredients in a spray bottle and shake to blend. To use the cleaner, spray onto the glass, covering as much as you can finish wiping in a few minutes at a time, scrub as needed with the rough side of a kitchen sponge, and squeegee off. Use a cotton cleaning cloth to dry off the blade of the squeegee between swipes, and to wipe up any liquid that puddles at the bottom edges of the windowpanes. Toss the cleaning cloths into the wash basket, and enjoy your sparkling windows.